Branding for Manufacturers

Why is Branding Important?

Branding could be considered our bread and butter. Branding is where things really begin once the messaging and paperwork are taken care of. To help establish, maintain, or build your brand, Vive recommends taking a close, hard look in the mirror.

Do you need a facelift? A little pick me up? A small dose of fresh branding could be the answer you’ve been looking for this whole time.

Our Branding Services for Manufacturers Include:

Logo Development

Does your logo look… tired? An outdated logo is usually perceived as a company that’s out-of-touch with what’s going on in today’s world. A new or refreshed brand identity for your manufacturing business tells your audience you’re progressive and advancing with the times. We listen to your likes and dislikes before unleashing our creative team to develop innovative designs that will result in getting your mark noticed and remembered among many other manufacturing players.

Visual Identity Package

If you give a moose a muffin… In this case, if you give Vive the chance to design a new or refreshed logo for your manufacturing business, we’ll surely recommend complementary business cards, letterhead, envelopes, PowerPoint templates, email signatures, and more!

Brand Standards Guide

Your brand is a living and breathing entity that’s continuously evolving, and the bigger your manufacturing brand grows, the more people will have the need to build upon previous assets. That’s where a brand standards guide comes into play. A good style guide will help keep your brand consistent and within the same designated parameters as you grow and things change. Let Vive take care of the details – the hex color codes, the fonts and typography – all the stuff you probably dislike but us marketers love.

Brand Activation

A new or refreshed brand requires lots of changes and planning. Vive will handle the strategy behind your launch and develop the right materials to make the appropriate splash within your world of manufacturing.

Sound like something you’re interested in? Let’s talk.