Zweck Analysis®

It’s important not to put the cart before the horse. This is especially pertinent when it comes to creating a purposeful, authentic marketing message and deploying subsequent materials to promote your brand.

It’s important not to put the cart before the horse. This is especially pertinent when it comes to creating a purposeful, authentic marketing message and deploying subsequent materials to promote your brand.

What's Different About Our Process?

Most marketing agencies want to jump right into project-based work, completely ignoring the integral process of unearthing their client’s unique differentiators – their “Why.” This is where Vive’s patented procedure of initial research on purpose, the Zweck Analysis, enters the picture. Zweck is, in fact, the German word for ‘purpose.’

A Strategic Marketing Analysis for Manufacturers

How Does This Process Work?


Internal Analysis

The first in a four-step process, our in-depth Zweck Analysis occurs here and helps Vive gather meaningful bits of info that help shape your story and begin building your brand identity.


External Analysis

In the second step, Vive conducts personal customer phone interviews and then holds a collaborative, engaging workshop onsite with members of your leadership team to review the results.


Marketing Message

Here we take the ingredients from the first two steps and mix them together, creating a concoction that ends up as a delicious, easily digestible marketing message. This serves as a foundation for future content. 


Sales & Marketing Alignment

Finally, our goal is to align your sales and marketing teams. We’ll lay out the groundwork for content creation and plans for building success. Vive believes brands are built by hammering home consistent messaging.

A More Detailed Look Into Our Unique Analysis

Internal Analysis

Sometimes just talking aloud in a group setting can bring forth concepts and ideas that would’ve never blossomed elsewhere.

The Zweck Analysis® hones in on key characteristics that help differentiate your brand from your competitors.

Every company needs a boilerplate – 100-ish words that serve as your elevator pitch. Think press releases, LinkedIn, etc.

External Analysis

Our secret blend of thoughtful and engaging questions helps us identify what your customers believe to be your strengths and weaknesses.

Feedback from the customer interview process combined with aspects of the internal analysis lets Vive witness the cream rising to the top.

In an on-site meeting with leadership, you truly learn how you’re currently being perceived by your customers. This step is crucial and dare we say, fun?

Marketing Message Platform

Taking the internal and external analysis, Vive creates your personalized go-to verbiage that perfectly describes your company in a nutshell.

Once developed, your unique marketing message platform is implemented throughout all media channels.

If you omitted your company’s name from your boilerplate, would you still know it’s you? The difference between great and just good lies in a marketing message that is distinctly different than your competitors.

Sales & Marketing Alignment

All the hard work we put in during the first few phases finally begins to pay off when Vive builds marketing materials based on your new messaging.

Whether it’s the web, social, printed collateral, an advertisement, or anything else you can think of – your message remaining consistent will build trust in your brand.

See above. Consistent messaging means you dictate the perception of your brand more than ever before.

Marketing Message Platform

Taking the internal and external analysis, Vive creates your personalized go-to verbiage that perfectly describes your company in a nutshell.

Once developed, your unique marketing message platform is implemented throughout all media channels.

If you omitted your company’s name from your boilerplate, would you still know it’s you? The difference between great and just good lies in a marketing message that is distinctly different than your competitors.

Sales & Marketing Alignment

All the hard work we put in during the first few phases finally begins to pay off when Vive builds marketing materials based on your new messaging.

Whether it’s the web, social, printed collateral, an advertisement, or anything else you can think of – your message remaining consistent will build trust in your brand.

See above. Consistent messaging means you dictate the perception of your brand more than ever before.