
The Top Five Best Tactics to Improve User Experience

User experience (UX) plays a critical role in the success of B2B websites, particularly for manufacturers. Unlike consumer-focused sites, where the goal might be a quick sale, B2B websites must build trust, foster relationships, and provide detailed information to guide purchasing decisions. When a website is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and user-friendly, it helps […]


How To Reduce “Fluff” for Manufacturing Content

The digital landscape is saturated with content, but not all of it adds value. When it comes to B2B marketing for manufacturers, creating content that stands out and serves a purpose is crucial. If content fails to answer questions, provide insights, or meet user intent, it becomes “fluff” – superficial and devoid of substance. Let’s […]


How To Identify and Execute Content and Keyword Trends

If you want to maintain a competitive edge as a manufacturer in today’s fast-paced digital marketing world, staying up to date with content and keyword trends is crucial. Understanding what your audience is searching for and how their interests shift over time allows you to create relevant, engaging content that meets their needs. Utilizing the […]


What Is Marketing’s Impact on Manufacturing?

Vive Marketing has significantly helped manufacturers in the plastics and metals industry in several ways over the years, 17 to be exact, driving their success through new business opportunities and strong market presence. I was recently asked what the greatest impact manufacturers have gained from a committed marketing strategy. Here’s how marketing efforts have made […]


LinkedIn Strategies for B2B Manufacturers

Embracing digital marketing in 2024 is a decision that can transform your business. In the first blog of our new series dedicated to unpacking digital marketing for the manufacturing industry, A Manufacturer’s Guide to Digital Marketing: Social Media 101, we laid the foundation for utilizing social media effectively and mentioned that LinkedIn is the most […]