
As a marketing agency, we wanted to do something different and reach audiences via channels not overutilized in the manufacturing industry. When we launched ReVive, we weren’t really sure what to expect, but we did learn a lot of what goes into podcasting.

  1. Sound quality is imperative
    When we started ReVive, we knew that finding good sound quality would be key. We figured we’d purchase a microphone and get the show on the road, wrong…WAY WRONG. Sure, we tested it and talked into the microphone and it didn’t sound that bad, so we gave it a shot with a guest. We did not account for the fact that the single microphone we purchased had to sit in the middle of a conference room while three people casually talk about websites not actually talking directly into the microphone. Changes needed to be made. ReVive production was then shifted from the conference room to a much smaller space where the sound didn’t travel as far. We’ve since added a second microphone as well as sound panels to our repertoire of equipment.
  2. You never get used to your own voice
    Every guest we’ve encountered always has the feedback of “I can’t get over the sound of my own voice.” It’s like clockwork, and it doesn’t really change. Through eight episodes and hours of editing our own voices, we are still not used to it. “Ummm,” is also the most common word that was used in ReVive, which you really don’t notice how much you say it until you listen back to a conversation that is recorded. If you struggle with filler words, try these recommendations from Forbes in their article, “Four Ways to Stop Saying “Um” And Other Filler Words.”
  3. Apple’s Podcast platform isn’t a 365 day-a-year operation
    If you’re thinking about launching your own podcast, be prepared for Apple’s launch process. In order to go live on iTunes, you must provide a live RSS Feed to iTunes. Your RSS Feed is where the podcast is hosted and you must have a least one episode live that you can submit. Also, if you were hoping to do a holiday/year-end episode, it turns out the Apple Podcast platform is run by real humans that like to enjoy the holidays as much as everyone else, therefore they shut down their submission form and don’t release new episodes over certain times. You must pay attention to the schedule to make sure your episodes get released as planned.
  4. You’ll learn more than what the podcast topic covers
    Obviously, our podcast pertains to manufacturing, but that isn’t all we learned about hosting a podcast. While it is great to communicate with other industry leaders about current events and topics that are trending in the manufacturing sector, some things we took away from this not only help us in our professional careers but our personal lives as well. You learn a lot about people and their backgrounds and what brought them to where they are today. Every person and every company has a story to tell and we believe podcasts are a platform that allows people to tell that story.

Our journey into podcasting is still in its early stages and we continue to learn and get better with every episode. Have you ever thought about recording a podcast or need some direction on how or where to get started? Feel free to reach out to the Vive team. We would be happy to help.

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