
The Loch Ness Monster, chewing gum stays in your stomach for five to seven years, and we only use 10% of our brains. These are a handful of myths believed to be true. Myths and misconceptions don’t just live in our everyday lives. They also plague different industries. Keep reading to dive into common marketing myths and misconceptions and why they are still relevant.


Having a Website is Enough

Having a company website in 2024 is a must. It builds brand credibility and gives people a way to learn about the business’s products and services. You might think having a well-designed website will solve your business problems, but it won’t do your marketing for you. Strategies like search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), and a social media cadence are popular ways to generate traffic to your website.

Part of owning a website means keeping it updated. A website is often a user’s first impression of a company. Website development best practices update as user preferences change. This means websites need to be continually updated as technology progresses to ensure they remain user-friendly. Keeping a website current doesn’t end with back-end and design updates. Content such as images and copy need to be updated as well.


Email Marketing is Dead

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is still an effective way to communicate and build customer relationships. It is an optimal way to keep your audience up-to-date on products, services, or business news. Many email marketing platforms allow for automation or other lead-nurturing tactics to further customize your emails. While seen as spam by some, when done correctly, email marketing can remind customers that your products could be the solution to their problem.


Quantity Over Quality

The more money you spend on marketing does not mean you will attract more customers. When building a digital marketing strategy or marketing plan, it is important to know that the quality of marketing deliverables is more important than the quantity of spending. Mass-producing large amounts of content and dispersing it randomly isn’t going to get the job done. Your audience needs to see your content gives them value. Customers will find value in content that is educational or speaks to their pain points. If you are sacrificing the quality to produce as many deliverables as possible, it is time to revisit the drawing board. Sometimes this means not producing as much content.


Receiving Negative Social Media Comments is Never Good

No one wants to receive negative reviews or comments on social media. It is never the engagement you hoped for, but it should be seen as an opportunity to turn a negative situation into a positive one with a thoughtful and informative reply. Always include an option for them to contact you to take the conversation offline to learn more about what happened. People act differently when speaking to a real person and you have the opportunity to troubleshoot or solve their problem in real time.


Results Are Instant

Many companies implement marketing strategies and get discouraged when they don’t see immediate results. This common myth prevents a lot of businesses from growing their brand. Unfortunately, instant gratification doesn’t apply to marketing especially when you have a new brand. Setting realistic goals is important to seeing your company’s growth. You can’t post on LinkedIn for the first time and expect to gain 1,000 followers or impressions. However, developing a consistent cadence and content calendar will help the page grow. This is similar to other marketing deliverables. When you focus on using proven strategies to grow and have some patience, you will see results. After all, marketing is more of a marathon than a sprint.


In Closing

In a world where misinformation is shared daily, it is important to research what marketing deliverables will help your brand succeed. Find out how Vive can help with your marketing success by contacting us today: