Understanding Data & Behavior to Improve Your Digital Presence

In this episode of ReVive, hosts Kyle Naber and Jared Falkner are joined by Dave McGraw, SEO Strategist at Vive Marketing, who provides a complete understanding of SEO. Learn more about all of the tools available to measure your company’s digital trends and how you compare to competitors. Tune in for Dave’s tips and tricks to increase your brand’s online presence.

Google Analytics, keywords, SEO, PPC (Pay-per-click), website traffic, what does it all mean? Listen to the full episode to find out!

Give me the high-level: ReVive in 5

What is SEO and how do you define it? – (2:57)

“SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the ‘SE’ part of it, refers to search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., while the ‘O’ stands for optimization. The way that these online tools work is complex, but in essence, Google sends out little programs, called spiders, or robots or crawlers, to visit every single webpage on the internet, and then bring that information back to Google. This information is then archived and indexed in Google’s massive databases. When these search engines like Google do this, they are looking for what your website is about, what each page is doing, saying, thinking, talking about, etc. Optimization is making things as user-friendly as possible, and that’s what these programs are looking for.”

I want to be on page one of Google results, how do I get there? – (4:18)

“Keywords themselves, this is how a person interacts with the internet. Anything that you type into the search engine, that’s a keyword phrase, and this goes from a single word to a long-tailed keyword phrase. The way these keywords work is the search engine will crawl a website, and it reads the HTML code, the CSS and JavaScript, but it also reads what keywords are associated with the website, the words you are actually using in the body copy of the website. Every single page on your website is ranked individually, meaning that Google does not rank websites, but rather webpages. With this in mind, you want to give Google the right indicators that those keywords you are ranking for are also found on the page. If you want to rank for something, it needs to appear on your website and ideally on a specific targeted page, or a series of pages. ”

When it comes to keywords, how do I rank for search terms that I want to be found for?  – (7:55)

“Keywords themselves, this is how a person interacts with the internet. Anything that you type into the search engine, that’s a keyword phrase, and this goes from a single word to a long-tailed keyword phrase. The way these keywords work is the search engine will crawl a website, and it reads the HTML code, the CSS and JavaScript, but it also reads what keywords are associated with the website, the words you are actually using in the body copy of the website. Every single page on your website is ranked individually, meaning that Google does not rank websites, but rather webpages. With this in mind, you want to give Google the right indicators that those keywords you are ranking for are also found on the page. If you want to rank for something, it needs to appear on your website and ideally on a specific targeted page, or a series of pages. ”

What are some things that can be done in-house to boost my SEO?  – (18:39)

“SEO is a long-term strategy. As far as things that you can do to start, it is vital to get your Google Analytics account and Google My Business accounts set up. After this, the next thing that you will want to do is to tackle the low-hanging fruits. The first is completing a website audit that will provide hundreds of suggestions for possible improvements, and this will help to dictate strategy moving forward. These suggestions could be anything from making sure that your website has organized pages to ensuring that metatags, alt text and headers are correct. Doing SEO right requires a focused effort.”

How does Vive help clients with SEO? – (20:49)

“When you come to Vive Marketing, the idea is that we are not just a strategic marketing partner, but we are also there to help guide you through all the complexities of SEO. SEO is a long term, on-going, focused effort, and a big part of this is content creation. We want this strategy to make sense, to embody what your brand is about and to effectively target the client base that you are looking for. Our focus is to get your webpages to rank higher, providing increased visibility. We take into consideration who you are as a company, and we try to make Google understand what makes you great as a brand, the way you know it is.”

Understanding What Good SEO is

“Good SEO encompasses many mechanisms including, on-site SEO, backlinking, offsite SEO, etc., and SEO factors in as many of those elements as possible. To increase SEO, you have to provide Google’s crawlers with everything it needs. There is a lot that goes into successful SEO, and SEO never stops.” – Dave McGraw

SEO is based on a combination of your own efforts and how users interact with your website. Typically, the more traffic you have, the better. However, this information found on your website needs to be relevant to what people are looking for. High traffic is great, but if it is not what people are looking for, it results in a high bounce rate. In some cases, this can hurt your website. At the end of the day, any search engine’s goal is to rank results in order of relevance. Vive is here to help make sure that we put your website in the best possible position to succeed in the market.

SEO takes time, it takes work, and most importantly, it takes a strategy to grow your results.

If your company is struggling with SEO or wants to understand how your brand is currently doing, Vive can help. To learn more about how you can gain better results with website SEO improvements, click here.

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