Blog Strategy
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Type a brief description, click a button, and bam – in less than 30 seconds, you have an entire blog post written for you. This is what AI platforms like ChatGPT, Jasper, WordAI, AI Writer, and Ink offer their users, prompting many to wonder if AI will soon replace human-written blogs entirely. While the ever-evolving technology of AI is undoubtedly changing the world around us, the truth is that writers don’t need to be too concerned just yet. AI can certainly lend a hand in blog writing, but it cannot replace the unique voice, creativity, and expertise that human writers bring to the table. Let’s dive into the main reasons why AI will not be replacing bloggers anytime soon, how writers can leverage AI for their benefit, and what the future of AI-generated blog content might hold.

The Top Five Reasons AI Isn’t Ready to Replace Writers

1) AI cannot generate original content.

While AI can produce a massive amount of content quickly, none of it is truly authentic because AI cannot think; it can only regurgitate the information and data it has been programmed with. This means that an AI-generated blog isn’t adding any value to the Internet – it’s just recycling already-existing ideas.

Readers are looking for original content, not repetitive and duplicated information that appears on other websites. When you use AI to write a blog post for your brand, you risk losing your credible brand voice rather than strengthening your brand with meaningful content.

2) AI is often inaccurate. 

Imagine if someone confidently gave you erroneous medical advice, a recommendation for a restaurant that doesn’t exist, or the wrong solution to a math problem. You wouldn’t be too pleased, would you? Yet these are just a few examples of inaccuracies that ChatGPT can generate. Because AI cannot think, it is also unable to understand the meaning behind the words it produces. This means that AI sounds confident and convincing even when providing inaccurate information.

When it comes to blogging, only humans have the ability to ensure their research is accurate and their information is fact-checked. With completely AI-generated content, you can unknowingly mislead readers with false information – a quick way for customers to lose their trust in your brand and damage your company’s reputation.

3) AI lacks the tone, insights, and expertise that humans provide.

Many AI detectors can identify if a piece of text is AI-generated, but to be honest, most readers can tell when an AI platform wrote a blog without consulting one of these tools. That’s because AI-written text usually sounds robotic and repetitive, lacking the emotion and depth humans know how to add to their writing.

Expert writers know how to incorporate tone and personality into their writing. They also know how to leverage their experiences and expertise, adding a depth and personal touch to their writing that AI just cannot provide.

4) AI can’t keep up with our fast-paced world.

The world we live in is in a state of continuous transformation. New information emerges, existing knowledge evolves, and current events unfold daily. But because AI is not a member of society, it cannot keep up with these events, news, and trends. ChatGPT, for example, is upfront about its limited knowledge of the world after 2021.

Humans are adaptable and flexible in a way AI isn’t capable of. Writers actively engage with the world every day, not just keeping up with the news but also gaining firsthand experiences. On the other hand, AI is limited to acquiring knowledge through information fed to it and cannot partake in real-world events. A human perspective is essential for a successful blog as it ensures the content is both fresh and relevant.

5) There are ownership and copyright concerns.

As AI generates an increasing amount of content, the question of who owns these AI-generated works becomes a topic of contemplation. The answer is far from straightforward.

Since AI algorithms cannot produce original writing (see point #1), it’s challenging to attribute ownership to a company when the content is often duplicated and found on multiple websites. Therefore, it is generally acknowledged that AI algorithms “own” the content they generate.

Regarding copyright laws, AI-generated works typically lack copyright protection and are considered public domain. However, the U.S. Copyright Office recently announced that works created with AI assistance might be copyrightable, but only if the work involves ample human input. Works produced solely by AI without human additions or alterations remain ineligible for copyright protection.

Additionally, because an AI program can’t generate authentic material, its output often resembles existing published works, prompting many to question if the original creator has a valid claim to the AI-generated piece. According to U.S. law, they may have a valid claim if the creator can demonstrate that the AI program had access to their work and created a “substantially similar” output.

As AI technology continues to advance, so will more explicit guidelines in terms of ownership and copyright. In the meantime, using AI as a resource instead of the sole creator of your content is the only way to avoid any potential issues.

Harnessing the Power of AI to Boost Your Blogging

While it won’t replace the need for human-written blogs anytime soon, there are still ways you can take advantage of what AI has to offer to speed up the writing process and improve your content. AI platforms can help you with the following:

  • Beating writer’s block: If you’re feeling stuck, sharing what you’re working on with an AI platform can help you generate fresh ideas. Asking open-ended questions, engaging in conversation, and even asking for writing prompts related to your subject matter are all great ways to brainstorm.
  • Improving SEO: AI-powered tools can help you optimize your content. It can identify the most relevant and effective keywords for your blog post, suggest keywords with high search volume and low competition, propose ways to improve the structure or readability of the content, and recommend appropriate headings and subheadings.
  • Researching: AI platforms are great at gathering data, although it’s important to always fact-check what you find. You can also ask AI to summarize key points, extract relevant data from a source, and assist in organizing your research findings to make it easier for you to write concise, clear, and engaging content.
  • Proofreading: Once you’ve written a draft, AI can edit your work. Not only can it check for spelling or grammatical errors, but it can also provide insights into sentence structure, clarity, pacing, and more.

What’s Next for the Future of AI and Blogging?

Although AI can be a great resource, it is by no means ready to replace human writers. With AI technology continuously evolving, the true potential of AI has yet to be discovered. Someday AI platforms might be writing original content, but if this is a genuine possibility, it’s still many years away. For now, using AI as a tool for inspiration instead of having it generate all your content is the best way to ensure your writing is authentic and optimized to attract your target audience.

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