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We all know trends come and go with time. Some trends even reemerge after a couple of years – just look at all the Gen Zers donning cargo pants and bucket hats reminiscent of the ‘90s. However, the AI trends emerging in 2023 are different than a typical fad; they are poised to establish the foundation for future AI best practices.

Staying up to date on the latest AI trends can be challenging with the rapid advancement of AI technology, but understanding and embracing the newest developments can position a business at the forefront of AI innovation and pave the way to future success. Let’s explore the most prominent trends currently emerging in the AI landscape in 2023.

Generative AI

Generative AI has become a ubiquitous topic of conversation these days, with ChatGPT at the head of these discussions. ChatGPT is part of the generative AI movement alongside other platforms, where algorithms are utilized to generate content. While you may have heard about ChatGPT’s ability to answer questions, generate text, proofread, and translate, generative AI has far-reaching capabilities encompassing much more than just text.

Generative AI can generate a diverse range of content types, including images, audio, videos, and even 3D models. Through neural networks – a method that teaches computers to process information like human brains do – generative AI algorithms learn patterns that can generate realistic and original outputs in these various mediums. Generative AI can produce artwork and photographs, synthesize speech, compose music, generate lifelike sound effects, analyze existing video footage to create new scenes, and develop intricate 3D models. These extensive capabilities hold immense potential for creative expression through automation and are bound to have a widespread impact in fields like advertising, graphic arts, architecture, industrial design, and more.

No longer is AI simply about empowering algorithms to process and understand data. The sweeping possibilities of generative AI are set to revolutionize creative industries not only in 2023 but also in the years to come.

More Collaboration Between AI and Humans

Collaboration between AI and humans is becoming increasingly essential for a successful business in 2023. Numerous companies are leveraging the power of AI to help overcome the labor shortage gap and increase their team’s productivity and efficiency.

AI-powered tools and platforms can enhance human skills, providing support and assistance in areas with a shortage of skilled labor. This collaboration empowers workers to accomplish more complex tasks with greater proficiency. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI can handle customer inquiries and provide support, allowing companies to maintain quality customer service even during peak demand periods, despite labor shortages. AI can even analyze data and predict workforce demands to help companies anticipate labor shortages and plan accordingly.

Unlike traditional automated machines bound by predefined rules, AI possesses the capacity to make autonomous decisions based on human input. By offloading routine and mundane tasks to AI systems, businesses optimize efficiency and unlock their employees’ potential for more meaningful work. Additionally, some companies are embracing AI to develop virtual or augmented reality learning experiences, replacing traditional training methods.

In 2023’s business landscape, the synergy between AI and humans enhances productivity and paves the way for innovative approaches to address labor shortages and unleash untapped potential.

Digital Twinning and the Omniverse

The Omniverse exists outside the movies! This broad concept, popularized by NVIDIA, envisions a shared platform that connects different virtual worlds, environments, and simulations, aiming to create an interconnected virtual universe where digital representations of various objects, spaces, and systems can coexist and interact seamlessly.

Digital twinning refers to creating a virtual replica or simulation of a physical object, process, or system. This technology combines real-time data from physical objects or environments with virtual models. Digital twins provide a way to visualize, simulate, and analyze real-world objects or systems in a virtual space, allowing for better monitoring, understanding, and decision-making.

Integrating the Omniverse with digital twinning has opened up exciting possibilities for companies, particularly in virtual learning and product/system performance prediction. Companies can develop immersive virtual learning environments for their employees by creating accurate 3D representations of real-world scenarios, providing the opportunity for employees to undergo realistic training simulations and acquire hands-on experience without the need for physical setups. By utilizing the capabilities of the Omniverse and digital twinning, companies can simulate and predict how their products or systems will perform in real-world scenarios. This allows companies the chance to identify potential issues and make informed decisions regarding improvements or modifications, therefore saving money, reducing risks, and enhancing the overall performance of their products or systems.

The seamless integration of the Omniverse and digital twinning enables companies to achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity. As more companies begin to recognize the potential of this partnership, they are sure to embrace these new technologies in 2023 and beyond.

Low-code and no-code AI

Low-code and no-code AI are approaches that aim to reduce the need for extensive coding or programming knowledge. By utilizing pre-built templates and drag-and-drop methods, low-code AI platforms make tasks such as email marketing easier with minimal coding needed. No-code AI goes a step further and removes the need for coding or programming altogether by offering a highly user-friendly interface that allows users to manage tasks through visual configurations, simple workflows, and intuitive interfaces. With professionals no longer needing to be well-versed in writing HTML code, more time can be spent on the creative aspects of their work, leading to an increase in innovation and productivity.


As AI rapidly evolves and becomes a prominent part of our daily lives, we’ll likely see many more trends emerge and shape the future in the coming years. By understanding and adopting trends like generative AI, the integration of digital twinning with the Omniverse, and low-code and no-code AI into their business practices, companies can set themselves up for success in this ever-changing landscape. As we move forward, let’s keep a watchful eye on emerging trends and seize the opportunities they present to shape a future where AI augments human potential and enhances our lives in meaningful ways.

What’s Next?

With AI being a driver of many marketing-related conversations, Vive will be executing an “AI series” to help our many manufacturing friends with the most common AI questions. Stay tuned for our next blog, Will AI Replace Blogs?

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