Blog Branding Graphics Vive News

Branding is a vital asset of every corporate company’s image. With millions upon millions of various companies populating every market available, it wouldn’t come as a surprise that some brand identities have overlapping styles. Whether it be similar fonts, brand colors, aesthetics, etc., all of these play a pivotal role in defining how a brand exists visually. A critical factor that allows all these brands to co-exist is that each brand possesses visual distinction. That’s where Vive steps onto the field.

Being a marketing agency, Vive tackles all assets of branding head-on. Just as expected, some similarities are shared between our clients that come packaged with a handful of challenges. This is where the expertise of our team here at Vive is brought forth.

The obvious solution is to create a unique, visually pleasing image that represents every client. However, once reality sets in, we realize this isn’t accomplished by the snap of a finger. From start to finish on every brand-related asset, either internal or external, a rigorous process is thrown into the mix to ensure that the end product is one that far surpasses expectations. This is where the magic happens.

The Initial Vision

Every asset that Vive creates, regardless of where it’s directed, has an initial vision that is conceptualized before the creative process even begins. This vision can be seen all the way to the finish line, or simply be as vague as a few jumbled words. The important aspect here is that everything is created with a purpose. The initial vision begins the creative process by identifying:

  • What is the objective?
  • What message(s) needs to be conveyed?
  • What needs to be displayed visually?
  • How can this pertain to the designated client?
  • What are the parameters graphically?

A few guiding questions like these are just scratching the surface of all the factors that are put into play right from the get-go. They serve as a motivator that allows us to hit the ground running with every new project.

The Creative Process

Once the initial vision is set in stone, the visuals begin to develop. Utilizing the guidelines as parameters, the creative process is the entire journey of a project becoming a finalized asset. At this point in the development phase, Vive begins the creative process and puts our finesse into it. Navigating through multiple programs in the Adobe Suite tailored to specific projects, the creative process hones in a specified client’s brand. Here, a specialized approach to each client is considered, and the outcome is crafted around such. Color selection, text hierarchy, graphic elements, and logo usage are just a few components that work their way into every project.

The entire creative process is the most crucial factor in ensuring that all our client’s visual identity is unique and original. Maintaining multiple clients simultaneously can always present a challenge keeping every client’s brand separate without overlapping signifiers. However, this is an area of expertise that has never slowed Vive down. Every client feels confident standing out from the crowd after Vive has put our touch on their brand.

The Revision Process

After a project has been digitally assembled, it then moves toward the last step of the journey: The Revision Process. This is just as, if not more, important than the creative process. It is nearly unheard of that a project is created and shipped off as a finished product to a client without at least one round of revisions. The Revision Process serves as a checkpoint to analyze the boundaries that were put into place during the initial vision and to make sure that they mesh accordingly with what was digitally constructed. Not only that, but this is to ensure that the finished product possesses visual distinction amongst other clients.

The Final Lap

At this point, the project has made its journey to the client where further feedback, revisions, and input have been collected. A strong understanding of the creative journey from start to finish will typically result in a short back and forth towards the finish line from here. Once the initial concept that has passed through internal revisions is ready, it is then delivered to the client.

Small pieces of feedback here, a slight modification there, and soon, we’ve got yet another satisfied client with exactly what they asked for!

Every asset created for our clients here at Vive, digital or print, undergoes a thorough revision process before it makes its way to its destination. Multiple rounds of conceptualizing, creating, and constructively criticizing are all essential in helping our clients maintain a visual distinction with their brand.

Looking to set your company’s brand apart from the competition? Contact the Vive team today to start a conversation.