Digital SEO Strategy Vive News
Jared Falkner - From The Vive Corner

Ever wonder why your competitors are showing up before you on search engine result pages (SERP)? If it’s not an advertisement, it’s because their organic reach is good – really good. Building an authoritative website is not a simple task and takes quite a bit of time. But how is this achieved? Primarily through Keyword building.

Keyword building is the process of compiling keywords to be implemented throughout the content you provide. How exactly do you conduct a keyword building assignment? The process is easy when you follow these steps:

  • Identify the top keywords that bring traffic to your website
  • Identify the top keywords that bring traffic to your competitors’ websites
  • Uncover all keywords your competitors are ranking for that you’re not (untapped keywords)
  • Pinpoint certain keywords where search engines display a URL to your website, but you have no business showing up for
    • Example: Let’s say you’re an injection molder, and you want to show up on Google for “injection molding”. What about “COVID-19 injection”? Since the keyword injection is used to identify both searches, it is possible to show up for both.

All of the steps above need to be considered when supporting a keyword building strategy. What do you need to start? We’re happy you asked.

  • Review your own content
    1. Is the content on your website articulating what makes you different?
    2. Is the content on your website providing value-add to a specific audience?
    3. Does the content on your website contain keywords or key phrases of capabilities, services, secondary operations, equipment, or uses?
    4. Does the content on your website contain keywords that are directed to a certain industry? (i.e., Injection Molding | Blow Molding | Extrusion | Custom Molding)
    5. Does your own content interest you? Would it entice you to keep reading or click on your search result in a search engine?
  • Review your competitor’s content
    1. Is the content on your competitor’s website thoroughly written? Is it more descriptive?
    2. Does your competitor’s website have keywords or key phrases that you may have forgotten to add to your own content?
    3. Is your competition investing in the creation of blogs? (Also known as the best SEO builder)
    4. Does your competitor add internal or external links that provide more information on a certain topic?
    5. Is there graphics containing alt text that help better illustrate the comparative copy?
  • Invest in an SEO-specific web tool (this tool will help identify the following)
    1. What your top keywords are. Specifically, what keywords are driving traffic to your website
    2. A complete list of all the keywords that display your website in a search engine’s search result page. Specifically, it identifies what keywords need to be improved upon and helps you determine if they are relevant.
    3. A keyword gap analysis. This helps identify the approximate number of keywords your competitors are ranking for, where these keywords position them organically in a search engine result page, and what keywords you (or other competition) is “beating” you on position wise.

Option 1 & 2 will cost you nothing but time, while option 3 will be an investment. If you’re interested in option 3, Vive recommends using one of the following:

Be sure to implement the keywords of your choosing into all assets of your website and external channels. These include:

  • Meta Descriptions
  • Title Tags
  • Headers
  • Social media posts
  • Hashtags
  • And many more!

Need additional help building a keyword strategy? Contact our team today!