Content Digital Marketing SEO Strategy
Rebecca Karnopp - From The Vive Corner

Marketing is imperative to effectively position a corporate brand in the marketplace with a clear and concise message of what is offered and why people should do business with them. However, most business owners realize that marketing is an investment in time and resources. Therefore, business owners need to be discerning about the professional marketing partners they align with that have the proper experience and proven success. Vive Marketing has worked alongside plastic manufacturing companies and plastic service providers for over a decade, making us subject matter experts. We recommend only the best and most effective marketing methods for manufacturers.

One of Vive’s plastic injection molding clients located in California needed help attracting more customers. The first marketing channel Vive offered support was the creation of a new website with better UX, high-res imagery, and SEO-driven content. Our marketing team also worked together to send out quarterly e-newsletters to their industry contacts, increasing their visibility to others who require OEM applications in the plastic injection molding industry. Through Vive’s efforts, this injection molder was able to increase their web traffic, gain new industry contacts, and increase their overall ROI.


Older websites have a tendency to be more difficult to navigate, and similarly, this plastic injection molding company struggled to manage their website to maintain a high-quality user experience. While all their pages had the necessary information on them, pages such as the contact page were difficult for users to navigate to, which impacted the potential customer’s ability to get in touch with a representative of the company. Other pages on the site would also be removed without being redirected, such as their customer survey page, which, unbeknownst to the company, had a broken link resulting in a 404 error.

Updating content with a consistent cadence was also a difficulty this company faced. Adding new relevant content to a company website, such as blogs and case studies, helps keep it ranking on the first page of online search engines. Ignoring the website content and not adding any new and relevant material led this company’s site to eventually lose their high ranking on Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

While there were several challenges regarding this company’s website, there was also a lack of other marketing channels not being optimized. Sending out eblasts or e-newsletters to industry contacts is important when marketing a business, especially for B2B marketing for manufacturers. Taking advantage of this communication conduit is a no-cost vehicle to promote a company’s message.

This injection molding company recognized they needed marketing support, and so they sought out a team with years of experience marketing within the plastics industry for businesses just like theirs. Vive was just the team for that.


Vive Marketing, along with our team of professional web developers, made this plastic injection molder a new website with easier direction and overall better user experience. The links at the top of the site were simpler to find, and the contact page is now linked at the top right-hand side, making it easy for customers to navigate to. The broken links and 404 error pages were redirected to new existing pages, and a new customer survey page was created and implemented in the top navigation. Overall, the new website has better navigability and a more optimized user experience.

Vive also implemented new content on this company’s website, including new blogs and Employee Spotlight pages, where members of their staff were highlighted discussing their job and various hobbies outside of work. This new targeted content was able to boost the website search rankings higher on Google SERPs as well as increase the company’s visibility to future customers.

Finally, Vive helped this business implement a new email marketing campaign with a quarterly e-newsletter sent out to hundreds of industry contacts. The e-newsletters highlight the company’s plastic injection molding services, as well as make note of new employees, new machinery at their facility, meaningful new information, and success stories.

The Result

Our plastic injection molding client was thrilled with their new website, and it was made even better by the fact that we saw noticeable web performance improvements almost right away. The new website Vive implemented resulted in a 75% increase in overall traffic over the first 3 months, including a 59% increase in contact page traffic during that same time. This significant increase in addition to the site’s beautiful new design and better UX ensured our client was happy with the new website.

Success didn’t end with just a new website: Vive’s email marketing campaign for this company was sent out to over 500 of their industry contacts with an average 23.6% open rate. Through these e-newsletters, our client has been able to keep people up-to-date with what’s happening at their company, as well as reach out to new potential customers.

At Vive, we are always dedicated to finding the best marketing solutions for our clients. This plastic injection molder trusted us to market their business, and we delivered with a well-designed and purposeful new website with high-quality SEO-driven content and targeted email marketing. These marketing solutions will assist them with their business growth goals in the coming years.

If you’re interested in how Vive Marketing can support the communication goals of your manufacturing company, contact us today to learn more.