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Jared Falkner - From The Vive Corner

#1 SEMrush

Don’t have a SEMrush account? It may be time to get one. SEMrush is an all-encompassing SEO platform that has various tools to help a business separate itself from the competition with SEO insights, local SEO rankings, advertising research and information, social media trackers and analytics, content marketing suggestions and brand monitoring. Not only will SEMrush help a business delegate which tasks to prioritize, but it also supports a user’s decision-making process.

If you’re not interested in paying for another subscription, you can take advantage of the SEMrush Academy. These courses provide excellent and useful information on SEO best practices along with a plethora of website enhancement guidance.

#2 Neil Patel

There is a lot of overlap between SEMrush and “UberSuggest” (Neil Patel’s featured SEO Tool), but UberSuggest is more fine-tuned when honing in on organic growth efforts and backlinking. Like SEMrush, UberSuggest provides useful information for content ideas, keyword suggestions, top-performing pages, and a website’s domain overview.

In addition to UberSuggest, users can also take advantage of Neil Patel’s insightful blogs and daily eblasts that share resourceful content on how you can improve everything SEO-related.

#3 Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is simple to use and can be directly downloaded to your computer. This application gives you the ability to analyze any website, and an output of information is then shared about that specific URL. Generally, it’s the home page of a website that’s analyzed (i.e.,

Once the URL is analyzed, you’ll be able to articulate where your website is not hitting the mark or following SEO best practices. A few examples of what Screaming Frog will share include:

  • Duplicates of headers, alt text, content, etc.
  • Character lengths of meta descriptions, title tags, headers, etc.
  • Image sizes throughout the website
  • Internal links, outgoing links, or broken links
  • Page health status

What makes Screaming Frog even better is that it is a FREE tool. So, take advantage of this detailed information while you can.

#4 Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land is an online forum full of blogs and credible SEO information. Search Engine Land shares the latest information on Google’s algorithm updates or recent changes, but it also focuses on Bing, Yahoo & other Microsoft-related resources.

Not only does Search Engine Land equip its readers with helpful SEO direction, but it helps with PPC as well. If you’re wondering why you’ve seen a decrease in your company’s click-through-rate (CTR) or impression share, Search Engine Land probably has the answer.

#5 Yoast SEO

Eighty Percent of websites are built on WordPress. If your website falls into that percentage, we suggest you download the SEO Yoast plugin. SEO Yoast makes sure your site meets the highest technical SEO Standards. It also gives clear indications and tools to implement SEO best practices, increasing visibility, and readability for users.

Already have the plugin? Great, you’re ahead of the game! You can still take advantage of the blogs, webinars, podcasts, and guides created to make this thing called “SEO” easier on us all.

If you’d rather have someone else do this for you, the marketing experts at Vive would be happy to take your website to the next level. Contact us today!