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As we discussed in our last blog, multimedia marketing is changing daily; if you blink, you miss a trend and are already on to the next thing. With the fast nature of technology, who knows what the next 50 years will bring to the world of marketing?

With the rise of media consumption and ways to market your brand, you have only 2 seconds to catch your audience’s attention, which is why short-form video is on the rise. With Tik Tok, Instagram reels, Facebook stories, Snapchat, live-streamed events, and additional media platforms, it’s hard to find a way to make your message the light that stands out in a crowd.

Even though finding a voice unique to one’s brand takes time, it is possible to produce a statement that makes a difference in the sea of never-ending content. The question is, how do you start? Let’s explore these oncoming trends to see how they’ll influence the world of marketing from the 21st century to the 22nd.

Snappy Short-Form Videos

Nowadays, a company’s social presence must resonate with its audience in mere seconds. According to Wyzowl, 87% of marketers in 2021 alone received a significant return on investment when using video in their marketing tactics. Since then, the impact of videos has risen, with 30% of marketers adding video to their strategy in 2022.

So, what does all this mean for marketing going forward? Short-form videos are here to stay, and learning the tactics behind video creation is crucial to community building. Short-form videos don’t have to be overly complicated scenarios; instead, they can be short and to the point around the 31-60 second mark – the faster, the better. Videos should only take a few seconds to convey a message to your audience. Take the rise of the video generation and make the most of it by recording live copy to make your audience intrigued, as the breakthrough of video content has made its presence known on social media.

Original Live Content

If the past two years have taught us anything, it is that human connection is important. Live video content helped fill that void for many during the pandemic, and although the peak of that time is behind us, the connection of live content is here to stay, with 80% of the audience preferring live content to read blog copy.

Creating live content is a way for a brand to authentically connect with its audience and resonate in a way that no still image or news tweet could. Companies often participate in live webinars, lunch and learn events, conferences, and networking events – the list goes on. As VR expands, videos of live conferences and events could be the new way of connecting in the future. But for now, utilizing Facebook and Instagram live or YouTube streaming to conduct a product launch or market update is the new route for creating unscripted and memorable content people will remember.

According to Social Media Today, on average, 86% of Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers crave authenticity in their media consumption. Consumer awareness is rising, and the need for “face-to-face” conversations that humanize information consumption is a path that will continue to expand rapidly.

Enhanced UX

When it comes to user experience, the simpler the design, the better. Overthinking and handing out too many options within a brand’s website or app can overwhelm a user and impact their decision to return to their site. With simplified user experience, brands have taken the approach of minimalism and “branding” their sites to be free of pop-up advertising while delivering direct search time.

Chatbots, interactive videos, animated features, and consistent continuity scrolling make the consumer’s journey more consistent and allow more time for the things the user wants to see. These changes are just the beginning of the advancements that have yet to be made as technology grows.

Simplifying UX is the best approach to monitor navigation placement alongside Q/A testing to see what users are looking for in a website or app. Once the hot spots where users navigate websites are found, the next step is to simplify your process and make the necessary edits to enhance the overall user experience. The world of complexity is moving to the side as the minimalist movement is here to advance the way of user satisfaction.

What’s Next?

Whether these trends change within the next year or not, multimedia allows for endless possibilities that diversify how we see marketing.

Looking for the right strategy that fits you? Contact Vive to help your brand stay on top of marketing strategies.



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